Our Brands

Our History

The business started over 30 years ago with very humble origins. We created tailor-made air fare products for Missionaries travelling overseas, mainly to Africa. Many of the same NGO & Humanitarian organisations are still clients of ours today. Using the same model we began to supply airfares to the travel industry. Along came the internet and our technology drove huge sales growth.

Our Growth

Strategic acquisitions made in recent years allowed us to expand our brand to include Business Travel where we focus on niche sectors. In 2019 a new chapter in our story began where we merged with e-Travel, a hugely successful online agent and travel technology business. This grew our team numbers to 200 and our annual sales to over €200m. The pandemic put our expansion on hold. Once international travel restarted our sales volumes soared back and we are now ahead of our 2019 records volumes.

Key Milestones

  1. World Travel Centre Founded
  2. Acquired McNeil Rigby Travel
  3. Acquired Thriftway Travel
  4. Acquired Selective Travel Management
  5. Acquired Flair Travel
  6. In-house 24 Hours Service Team Established
  7. Awarded Investors in People Accreditation
  8. Merged with e-Travel
  9. In-house developed Corporate Booking Tool Launched
  10. Fareteam Agents Booking Tool launched + NDC content developed and integrated for multiple airlines
  11. Ranked in the Top 20 UK TMCs
  12. Reached 15,000 NDC bookings + Irish Government Travel Management Contract implemented
World Travel Centre Founded
Acquired McNeil Rigby Travel
Acquired Thriftway Travel
Acquired Selective Travel
Acquired Flair Travel
In-house 24 Hours Service
Team Established
Awarded Investors in People
Merged with e-Travel
In-house developed Corporate
Booking Tool Launched
Fareteam Agents Booking Tool launched
+ NDC content developed and
integrated for multiple
Ranked in the Top 20 UK TMCs
Reached 15,000 NDC bookings
+ Irish Government Travel
Management Contract implemented

Our Values

WTC is built upon a number of values that are integrated throughout our business strategy, assuring that our customers receive the highest quality service at all times.







Environmental & Social Governance

WTC continue to strive to operate in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner. We actively encourage employees to take part in fundraising activities for a number of worthwhile causes. Not only does our contribution help the wider community, but it also strengthens relationships. We are committed to giving something back to our society, focusing primarily on supporting local charities and initiatives.




Years of Experience






in Sales